What is the sa573 gr 70 high strength structural steel process flow

What is the sa573 gr 70 high strength structural steel process flow

  • Jan 07 , 2021
The quality inspection department is responsible for the inspection management of raw materials and finished products, and the quality inspection and acceptance of products and raw materials. Strictly abide by the company's management system, conscie

The quality inspection department is responsible for the inspection management of raw materials and finished products, and the quality inspection and acceptance of products and raw materials. Strictly abide by the company's management system, conscientiously exercise the management power given by the company, and put an end to all ultra vires; be responsible for the inspection of all kinds of raw materials entering the company, and put forward quality problems and handling opinions.

NM400 wear plate is widely used in mining machinery, coal mining machinery, environmental protection machinery, engineering machinery and other product parts. Such as excavator, loader, bulldozer bucket plate, blade, side blade, crusher liner, etc.. NM400 wear plate is also commonly used as high-strength structural steel with yield strength ≥ 800MPa. The main function of NM400 wear plate is to provide protection in places or parts where wear resistance is required, so as to prolong the service life of the equipment.

Q295GNH steel chemical composition: C: 0.14~0.19, Si: ≤0.30, Mn: 1.00~1.30, P: ≤0.025, S: ≤0.025, Cr: 0.80~1.10
Q295GNH mechanical properties:
Tensile strength σb (MPa): 880-1180
Yield strength σ0.2 (MPa): 635
Elongation δ5(%): 9
Reduction of area ψ(%): 35
Impact toughness value αku (J/cm2): 34

Our company will accept the product quality objection registration record, pass it to the sa573 gr 70 high strength structural steel production unit and relevant departments, and timely coordinate the supervision of product sa573 gr 70 high strength structural steel quality objection. Our company coordinates the relevant department personnel to the customer unit to carry on the investigation, the processing.

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