Every customer who has visit us and witness the steel materials before delievry will be impressed by our quality control departemnt. Even not come to inspect the steel materials before delievry, our quality control departemnt will also send inspection report to the customer. For each order, no matter its quantity and value, our quality control departemnt will make strict inspection before delivery, the inspection contents include apperance, tolerance, dimension, mark, special requirements of customers, etc. To guarantee our steel materials sent to the customer is qualified.
Normalizing is a heat treatment that improves the toughness of steel. After the steel components are heated to 30-50°C above the Ac3 temperature, they are kept for a period of time and then air cooled. The main feature is that the cooling rate is faster than annealing but lower than quenching. During normalizing, the crystal grains of the steel sa573gr.70 size can be refined in a slightly faster cooling. Not only can satisfactory strength be obtained, but also the toughness (AKV value) can be significantly improved and reduced The tendency of the component to crack.
Online sale hot rolled plate 3000 tons sa573gr.70 size in Tianjin city50*2180*10000, 50*2500*12000, 50*2460*9250, 50*2440*9450, 50*2200*12003, 50*2200*12000, 50*2200*12004, 50*2430*7600, 50*2440*4200, 70*1620*7400, 50*2440*14200, 60*2500*7700, 50*2380*11400, 60*2500*10100, 66*2920*11000, 75*2000*8750, 50*2430*7700, 50*2200*11850, 70*1600*6000, 89*2600*6650, 50*2300*11600, 70*2920*8400, 100*2220*3050, 105*2560*7040.
Advantages of hot rolling: hot rolling can destroy the casting structure of ingot, refine the grain of steel and eliminate the defects of microstructure, so that the steel structure is dense and the mechanical properties are improved. This improvement is mainly reflected in the rolling direction, so that the sa573gr.70 size steel is no longer isotropic to some extent; the bubbles, cracks and looseness formed during pouring can also be welded under the action of high temperature and pressure.
The company has a professional after-sales service team and good after-sales service reputation, providing full and uninterrupted after-sales service, to ensure timely and rapid solution to customer problems. The company is recognized as a 5-star brand of market quality cost performance and customer satisfaction by Market Research Center, and rated as "AAA credit enterprise of enterprise credit evaluation", and also a leading steel producer and service provider in the world.
Enterprise Motto:Integrity, harmony, dedication, innovation and developmentAbility is the cornerstone of success; action is the ladder of successGrow with the enterprise; progress with the enterpriseGive a platform to those who actually do things and a stage to those who successfully do thingsDare to be the first, to pursue excellence.
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