Every customer who has visit us and witness the steel materials before delievry will be impressed by our quality control departemnt. Even not come to inspect the steel materials before delievry, our quality control departemnt will also send inspection report to the customer. For each order, no matter its quantity and value, our quality control departemnt will make strict inspection before delivery, the inspection contents include apperance, tolerance, dimension, mark, special requirements of customers, etc. To guarantee our steel materials sent to the customer is qualified.
H13 tool steel is the most widely used and most representative hot work die steel. Its main characteristics are:(1) S355J2 plate vs A573 carbon steel has high hardenability and high toughness;(2) Excellent thermal crack resistance, water cooling can be used in the work place;(3) With moderate wear resistance, carburizing or nitriding processes can also be used to increase the surface hardness, but the thermal crack resistance should be slightly reduced.
"Mirror" refers to the surface state of S355J2 plate vs A573 carbon steel stainless steel, which is usually 8K in the industry. The common mirror stainless steel on the market is divided into 6K, 8K and 10K, which are general polishing, 6K, 8K fine grinding and 10K super fine grinding effect. The same thickness generally has no big difference, 10K mirror is brighter; the thicker the thickness, the better the effect, and the higher the processing cost.
S500MC steel plate/sheet,EN10149 S500MC steel plate/sheet, under EN standard, we can regard S500MC steel plate/sheet as high yield strength steels for cold-forming steels. S355J2 plate vs A573 carbon steel, EN10149 S500MC is mainly used as high yield strength steels for cold-forming steels. The EN10149 S500MC steel is equivalent to SEW092 QStE500TM, NFA E490D, UNI FeE490TM and ASTM X70XLK steel grades.
Our ogistics department has a professioanl team to support the goods’ transportation and delivery time. Its responsibilities: make customs clearance documents, track products production process, and update shipping information for customers. The company will adhere to the mission of reflecting social values, take the scientific management system as the guarantee of daily operations, and provide continuous technological innovation to support its sustainable development.
We are specialized in offering hot rolled ASTM A516 steel plate, which are used in various engineering applications and can be availed in various grades like carbon steel S355J2 plate vs A573 carbon steel A516 Grade 60 steel plate , A516 Grade 65 steel plate, A516 Grade 70 boiler steel plate, ASTM A516 GRADE 60 plates Trippled Certified, ASTM A516 GRADE 60 Plates Dual Certified. Our boiler plates are available in the form of steel plate, steel sheet, steel sections. If you are interested in S355J2 plate vs A573 carbon steel boiler plate, welcome to contact us.
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