Every customer who has visit us and witness the steel materials before delievry will be impressed by our quality control departemnt. Even not come to inspect the steel materials before delievry, our quality control departemnt will also send inspection report to the customer. For each order, no matter its quantity and value, our quality control departemnt will make strict inspection before delivery, the inspection contents include apperance, tolerance, dimension, mark, special requirements of customers, etc. To guarantee our steel materials sent to the customer is qualified.
12Cr2Mo1R steel plate is a kind of Cr-Mo alloy steel, which is a widely used heat-strength steel and hydrogen-resistant steel. As alloy elements such as Cr and Mo are added to low carbon steel, the comprehensive properties of the steel A573 structural steel plate are greatly improved, such as good high temperature mechanical properties, high temperature oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance, good toughness, process performance and weldability.
S355J2 steel plate belongs to European standard low alloy steel, the executive standard is EN10025-2. Delivery status: normalizing, hot rolling or control rolling. S355J2 corresponds to the Chinese Q345D, but the executive standard is different, the chemical composition is slightly different, but their mechanical properties are the same. S355J2 low alloy steel plate tensile strength (MPA): 450-680, impact value: - 20 ℃: ≥ 27J. A573 structural steel plate, S355J2 low alloy steel plate is widely used in bridges, vehicles, ships, buildings, steel structures, etc.
Our SA516Gr70 pressure vessel plate has good impact resistance, small temperature deformation, good welding performance, good fatigue resistance, good anti-layered cracking performance, micro-alloying, high purity, low carbon equivalent, strong resistance to sulfur and hydrogen. The product has good dimensional tolerance and surface quality. China made A573 structural steel plate steel plates are now widely used in major chemical sites.
The after-sales service personnel understand the user's ideas and needs in detail, and stand on the other side's position and interests. Actively communicate with users and help them solve practical problems. This not only solves the service problem, but also improves the customer's trust in the company.
We have a professional production team and high-quality production equipment, and we also have a great A573 structural steel plate advantage in price, with its own factory, large-scale production to reduce the price. Strictly control each production line to ensure the A573 structural steel plate production of high-quality steel plates, steel pipes and other products that meet customer requirements.
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