
A633Gr.D hardness steel sheet rolling size

A633Gr.D hardness steel sheet rolling size

  • Nov 19 , 2020
Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the products against the competitive products. Understand the industry situation and future trend. Understand the A633Gr.D hardness product brand positioning appeal point, focus on the crowd and development dire

Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the products against the competitive products. Understand the industry situation and future trend. Understand the A633Gr.D hardness product brand positioning appeal point, focus on the crowd and development direction. Understand the layout of each market area, and form a big strategic layout view. Understand the basic operation and assessment standards of work responsibilities. Understand the situation of the cooperative customers.

Advantages of JIS G3101 SS400: Compared with other A633Gr.D hardness steel standards, the steel made of SS400 carbon steel is popular because of its proper tensile strength and toughness, good plasticity, welding performance and processing performance. The thickness of the A633Gr.D hardness steel plate ranges from steel plate to super thick steel plate.

High quality structural steel thick plate product keyword} dimension(mm): 40*2300*12000, 50*1780*7000, 16*2300*12000, 50*2500*10120, 55*1800*11900, 25*2300*12000, 50*2500*10060, 60*2500*8400, 60*2100*10000, 80*1920*6000, 130*2200*10000, 140*2200*10000, 55*1800*11550, 110*2320*8100, 40*1900*7350, 150*2200*10000, 45*2200*9000, 60*2500*8300, 40*2300*12000, 90*2440*12400, 125*1920*5000.

Normalizing is to heat the steel parts to 30~80℃above the critical temperature for a period of time. Then the parts are taken out of the furnace and cooled in air. Since the cooling rate of normalizing is faster than that of annealing, the strength and hardness of normalized A633Gr.D hardness are higher than that of annealed A633Gr.D hardness, but the elimination of internal stress is not as good as annealing. The normalizing operation of A633Gr.D hardness is simple, the cost is low, the productivity is high, and it is widely used in actual production.

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