Every customer who has visit us and witness the steel materials before delievry will be impressed by our quality control departemnt. Even not come to inspect the steel materials before delievry, our quality control departemnt will also send inspection report to the customer. For each order, no matter its quantity and value, our quality control departemnt will make strict inspection before delivery, the inspection contents include apperance, tolerance, dimension, mark, special requirements of customers, etc. To guarantee our steel materials sent to the customer is qualified.
A633Gr.C,D steel plate A537CL1/A633Gr.C,D steel plate, under ASTM-SAE standard A537CL1/A633Gr.C,D steel plate, under ASTM-SAE standard, we can regard A633 Grade A price, A537CL1/A633Gr.C,D steel plate as Fine-grain structural steels, normalised rolled steel. A537CL1 steel plate is one mainly of Fine-grain structural steels, normalised rolled steel,A537CL1/A633Gr.C,D steel plate is under ASTM-SAE standard equivalent to DIN:TStE355, EN:S355NL, which with a minimum impact energy of 20J at temperatures not lower than -20 degree and the tensile strength of A537CL1/A633Gr.C,D is 4800 to 620 MPa.
Cold rolled A633 Grade A price steel sheet can be produced by two high mill, four high reversing mill, multi high reversing mill and tandem cold mill. Although there are still only two work rolls in four high and multi high rolling mills, each work roll is supported by one or more large diameter backup rolls, which can prevent deflection of work roll. As a result, wide and thinner A633 Grade A price steel plates can be produced. For example, 20 high mill can produce as thin as 0. 001 mm sheet, but the two high mill can only produce as thin as 0. 35mm sheet
A633 Grade A price, HP265 steel with the thickness range is 1.2-12mm. HP265 steel’s mechanical properties is include the yield strength more than 265MPa, tensile strength is 410-520MPa. The chemical composition of HP265 steel is C element content is 0.18, the Si element content is 0.10, the Mn element content is 0.80, the P element content is 0.025% max, the S element content is 0.015% max.
As we all know, steel pipes occupy more space in the process of transportation. If there is no good way of packing, the transportation cost for steel pipes will be a big expense. In view of this characteristic, our company is ingenious and adopts the nest package method to solve this problem perfectly. The premise of the nest package is that the diameters of the steel pipes are different, and the small diameter pipe is inserted in the large diameter pipe. This not only saves the volume, but also saves the transportation cost. It also reduces the loading and unloading workload by half, saves precious time, and enables customers to receive goods earlier.
We have our own factory, including the production and manufacturing of steel pipes, with a special A633 Grade A price steel pipe manufacturer and storage warehouse. Welcome to visit our factory, we will provide customers with high quality products that meet the requirements. And has the perfect A633 Grade A price after-sale service guarantee system, lets the customer save the worry and the labor.
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