What are the common uses of S355ML angle bar

What are the common uses of S355ML angle bar

  • Dec 03 , 2020
The company has allocated special environmental protection facilities for all S355ML angle bar pollution sources, strengthened the recycling of waste resources and improved the efficiency of resource utilization. At present, the recovery and utilization r

The company has allocated special environmental protection facilities for all S355ML angle bar pollution sources, strengthened the recycling of waste resources and improved the efficiency of resource utilization. At present, the recovery and utilization rate of solid wastes such as iron slag, steel slag, iron bearing dust, S355ML angle bar steel mill scale, environmental protection dust has reached 100%.

In the whole steel structure and steel body, the medium and heavy plate is an important part, once the problem occurs, it is easy to fracture, collapse and occur explosion. So how to judge whether the medium and heavy plate, S355ML angle bar is of high quality? First of all, check whether there are cracks on the surface of the S355ML angle bar plate and how glossy it is. Secondly, to measure the thickness error of medium and heavy plate, it is better to use the instrument to measure the bending tensile value. Finally, observe the scale of the steel plate manufacturers, whether there are relevant qualification certificates, and how the production process is.

The difference between S355ML angle bar, hot rolled sheet and cold rolled sheet: hot rolled sheet has low hardness, easy processing and good ductility. The cold-rolled sheet has high hardness and relatively difficult processing, but it is not easy to deform and has high strength. The cold rolled sheet is mostly used in automobile manufacturing and electrical products. Therefore, the two have their own characteristics. According to these characteristics, it is more appropriate to choose the right rolled plate to maximize its effect and benefit.

Oxygen is a harmful element in S355ML angle bar steel. With the increase of oxygen content, the strength of S355ML angle bar steel increased, but the plasticity, especially the toughness, decreased significantly, and the weldability became worse. The presence of oxygen causes hot brittleness of S355ML angle bar steel.

10 to 20mm thick S355ML angle bar product: 10*2200*7200, 10*2200*8000, 12*2000*11850, 12.5*2900*11000, 12.9*2987*10384, 13.6*2940*11455, 14*2000*10000, 14*2000*11181, 14*2000*13500, 14*2070*9060, 14*2200*10030, 15*2200*10270, 15*2500*10000, 15*2992*10185, 16*1500*9340, 16*1800*6000, 16*2000*10713, 16*2120*6080, 16*2200*10000, 16*2230*7650, 18.5*2320*6600, 20*1400*11400, 20*2100*7000.

There is a silo technology R&D center in our company with many experts. Our technical backbones go abroad to study advanced technologies regularly to make our technology and products leading in the world. We provide our customers with S355ML angle bar high-quality steel plates, the excellent quality from specialty. With good reputation, high-quality products, strong strength, and low prices, we welcome the clients from the world to come to visit our factory.

After the order is finished, our after-sales service center will send an email to make a feedback about our steel products' quality. We have phone service every three months to remind our customers of the possible problems and collect advices or suggestions in quality and service. Upon the collection of advices or suggestions, our after-sales service will quickly make technical solutions to wipe out the customer problem.

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