
sa 516 gr 70 after sales service

sa 516 gr 70 after sales service

  • Dec 03 , 2020
For employees' development, the company's transformation and development provides employees with a broad career development platform. The company needs "lion-type" entrepreneurial leaders who are full of entrepreneurial enthusiasm and

For employees' development, the company's transformation and development provides employees with a broad career development platform. The company needs "lion-type" entrepreneurial leaders who are full of entrepreneurial enthusiasm and dare to self-renovate. They also need a large number of professional and professional high-quality talents, and employees can get full capacity to display opportunities.

Good sa 516 gr 70 welding performance: Linepipe assemble is usually in the wild environment with fierce conditions, welding performance is one basic requirement for wild welding work. Corrosion resistant: gas or fluid transmitted in sa 516 gr 70 pipelines may contain corrosive elements-S. Good moldability: for cold roll forming process is taken place before welding, good moldablity is the key to good ductility and toughness of final product.

BBN steel sa 516 gr 70 hot rolled plates stock: 15*2300*14500, 8*2440*4700, 8*2300*6000, 14*1524*6096, 14*2150*8400, 8*2100*6000, 14*2000*12000, 12*2335*5000, 12*2150*7700, 15*2430*7550, 14*2000*11700, 18*2000*10000, 12*1850*9000, 16*1720*10070, 22*2200*8200, 15*2000*10000, 38*2700*6000, 50*1500*6000, 60*1800*9380, 60*1750*9380, 63*2440*5700, 63*2440*6096, 70*2210*7500,80*1800*6260 .

Bridge steel plates are thick steel plates made of carbon steel and low-alloy steel for bridge construction. The main applications of bridge steel plates are to build railway bridges, highway bridges, and sea-crossing bridges. The bridge steel plates are required to have high strength, durability and bear the load and impact of rolling stock. Bridge steel plates have good water resistance, low thermal conductivity, flat and lubricated surface. The main grades of bridge steel plates are A709 grade 50, A588 grade B, sa 516 gr 70 and so on.

There is a careful, patient, enthusiastic and thoughtful after-sales team, a professional distribution, ultra-efficient warehouse and logistics center, a marketing team with marketing expertise, an innovative technology center with strong steel technology, an experienced manufacturing center with rigorous professionalism Quality Inspection Center, an operation team with many years of administrative management experience. Such a strong combination of teams makes BEBON a steel giant in Henan Province.

Our products have perfect after-sales system to protect the interests of customers. At the same time, we can according to sa 516 gr 70 customer's requirements, processing requirements, cutting technical requirements, etc., to develop detailed solutions for customers, so as to make customers 100% satisfied. If you have any requirements and needs, please contact us in time.

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