
What material is equivalent to Q355B?

What material is equivalent to Q355B?

  • Mar 06 , 2024
Q355B (GB/T 1591-2018) is a structural steel grade in China, known for its high strength and good mechanical properties.The material equivalent to Q355B in vari

Q355B (GB/T 1591-2018) is a structural steel grade in China, known for its high strength and good mechanical properties.

The material equivalent to Q355B in various international standards is as follows:

International Equivalents:

United States:

ASTM A572 Grade 50 is the closest equivalent to Q355B in the United States, offering similar high-strength properties suitable for structural applications.


EN 10025-2 S355JR or S355J2 are European equivalents to Q355B, known for their excellent weldability and structural strength.


JIS G3106 SM490 has similarities to Q355B in Japan, providing good strength and weldability for structural components.


IS 2062 E350 or IS 8500 FE 570 are Indian standards that can be considered as equivalents to Q355B, commonly used in structural applications in India.

Other Equivalent Grades:

Australia/New Zealand:

AS/NZS 3678 Grade 350 is an equivalent to Q355B, meeting structural steel requirements in Australia and New Zealand.

Additional Notes:

When selecting an equivalent material for Q355B, it is essential to consider specific requirements such as mechanical properties, chemical composition, and intended application to ensure compatibility and compliance with relevant standards and specifications.

Each country may have its own national or industry-specific standards, so it's crucial to consult appropriate cross-reference tables or databases to find the most suitable equivalent based on the desired properties and usage of the material.

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